
2014 Trainings: June 6-9th & November 7-10th

Location:Body Spirit Centre 775 Ross Way, Gabriola Island 250-247-0015

Cost:$600.00 payable anytime in advance or on the first day; $100.00 deposit is required to confirm attendance.  Make cheques payable to Duncan Fraser and mail to PO Box 299, 775 Ross Way, Gabriola Island V0R 1X0 (personal cheque or cash only please).

Accommodations not included

Workshop hours:Morning session is 9am to 12:30pm.          Afternoon session is 2:30 pm to 6Pm.  No meals are provided; fruit, snacks, tea, and coffee are provided in breaks

Required reading: The Endless Web.  R.Louis Schultz and Rosemary Feitis. Published by North Atlantic Books Berkeley, California

Anatomy Coloring Book 4th addition.  Stephanie McCann and Eric Wise.  For those requiring  anatomy basics; read this book color chapters 3, 4, and the last section on muscles of the human body.  All that is needed is some exposure to the basics, more than that is not required for this class.  Be prepared to model in your underwear or bathing suit for assessment and study pictures

A certificate of completion from the Lumassage Institute will be presented to all participants completing the 4 day intro training class.  A complete 10 series training may be available to those who have completed the introductory training.

To register please contact Duncan 250-247-0015 or email

Workshop Details

Introduction to Lumassage Body/Spirit work

This form of Bodywork comes from the belief that we are moving from Homo sapiens to Homo luminous beings.  I have combined 3 modalities of body oriented studies to facilitate high levels of awareness and ease for living.  In order to do this work one must inhabit all of oneself: Body structure, spiritual flow, and direct connection to spirit.  These three modalities have given me centering and guidance while experiencing the polarity of being in a human body and spirit at the same time.

  • The teachings of Ida Rolf: structural bodywork

Dr. Ida Rolf discovered it was possible to reshape fascia with manipulation and that it would stay in the new shape. She realized it was possible to treat painful issues like scoliosis and sciatica without surgery, using this reshaping on a whole body basis.

  • Cranio-Sacral: brings spirit through fluids and rhythms

Cranio-Sacral Therapy involves a very gentle touch of the practitioner’s hands, both for diagnosis and for treatment. This light contact may be taken up on the cranium (the head), the sacrum (the tail-bone) or any other part of the body as appropriate, identifying subtle disturbances to the free motion of body tissues, the free circulation of body fluids, and the unrestricted flow of fundamental energy, potency, or vitality – the Breath of Life.

  • Shamanistic practises: practitioner holds and role models the sacred connection with spirit

Shamanism encompasses the belief that shamans are intermediaries or messengers between the human world and the spirit worlds. Shamans are said to treat ailments/illness by mending the soul. Alleviating traumas affecting the soul/spirit restores the physical body of the individual to balance and wholeness.

Day 1

*opening ceremony honouring our intuition and spirit gifts

*Overview of bodywork and principles of Ida Rolf’s first session

*Body reading: Holding patterns and structure offer many possible stories.  We will be practising body reading on each in the flesh and using pictures.  Be prepared for pictures in underwear or bathing suit

*Blending skilful judgements and intuitive feelings on how to begin a first session

Day 2

*Demo by Duncan with a model of the first session

*Teaching based on the demo session in all three areas;  structure/spiritual/ and what    might each one of us be holding as a shaman.

Day 3

*Teaching module, what is intentional contact

*Each participant gives and receives a first session based on the Ida Rolf standard 10 series, as understood modified and supervised by Duncan Fraser

Day 4

*Process group

*movies and to be announced activities

*closing ceremony

Instructor:  Duncan Fraser

Masters in Therapeutic Counselling, Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration.  He has trained, worked, taught, learned, and shared in many different cultures and modalities from the jungles of the Amazon to the psychoanalysis of Europe, from a treatment centre in Japan to a personal growth centre in Canada.  Duncan is an educator with a goal to help students and clients understand their own body’s language to offer direction in living fully while being in line with their higher purpose.  He has a world of experience and is looking forward to his new adventure creating ( and being in service to human evolution.

To register please contact Duncan 250-247-0015 or email